Multicurrency Account Register Now

Open an account and start managing your currencies with us!
Your legal name that matches with your ID.
Your Date of Birth that matches with your ID.
Please select the most relevant option.
A 3rd party is anyone who is not the account holder.
Selected Value: USD 1000000.00
Total conversion (buying) amount in one calendar year.
Selected Value: USD 1000000.00
Total conversion (selling) amount in one calendar year.

Find out an indicative FX rate in US Dollar here.

Your address that appears exactly as shown on your Proof of Address.
Your number that will be used for authentication and authorisation.
Your email that will be used for weekly/monthly statement.
We only accept clients reside in this Permitted Jurisdictions.
         HUBFX Privacy Policy: HUBFX Standard Terms:
         The Currency Cloud terms: Terms.

Multi-Currency accounts

GBP, EUR, USD, KES, NOK, DKK etc, creating in a few clicks. You can manage all your received currencies and paying currencies in one place.


For HNWIs and Corporates, FX requirements are often different case by case. We can speak to you online and offline via any means that suits your need.

Data Automation

We automatically feed your data to your database, any type of your choice. We also run data analytics using machine learning to help you understand your data better.

Resource Optimisation

We basically save you from using extra human resource or financial resource to manage your FX exposure. We are your out-sourced FX department.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.

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